Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, (and filling our kindle) sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process! Hosted by Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews
I can't believe another week is over already. Where does the time go. Here is what I received this week. I'm really excited by Burn Mark, I can't wait to read it.
You can click on the book title for more details.
For review

Glitch by Heather Anastasiu
Burn Mark by Laura Powell
Viscious (Vivid #2) by Andrea Murray (No cover or blurb yet)
Amazon freebies

Captivated by Deb Apodaca
Sleepers by Megg Jensen
So, what goodies did you have in your mailbox this week. Leave me your link in a comment and I'll check it out.
I REALLY want to read Glitch badly! Happy reading:) I hope you'll drop by and see what I got this week.
Glitch sounds awesome! Didn't even know it was on Netgalley till I started blog hoping and now I want it! But I have too much as it is. I grabbed Sleepers too and it sounds good. Was so happy to see it free.
My Stack
Burn Mark looks good! Great haul! Enjoy your week!
My 1st. Stacking The Shelves post:
I am a newbie follower via reading a comment you made at Pocket Full Of Books. I absolute love your blog's artwork and the genre is one of my favourites.
Burn Mark sounds very interesting, it will have to added to the ever-growing TBR list!
If you have time, would you mind taking a look at:
Any feedback/suggestions would be hugely appreciated as blogging is still something I am finding my way around! :)
Thank you!
OMG I'm so jealous of you right now ... I'm dying to read Glitch, it soudns beyond amazing. I look forward to know what you think of it Suzanne :) !! Happy reading :)
I have been seeing Glitch around a lot today. I want to go check it out but take a look at my current review stack and think again. I hope you enjoy it. I am a new follower.
I do two new books posts each week. I showcase my new YA and Middle Grade books at Ms. Martin Teaches Media. I spotlight new adult books at Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!
I've heard good things about Burn Mark so I hope you enjoy it! :D Glitch is alredy on my reading pile and I can't wait to get round to it. Lovely haul this week, Suzanne! i hope you enjoy them all. :)
Doesn't Burn Mark looks awesome..great week for you and I look forward to your reviews of them. You can see my news on The Sunday Post. Enjoy and have a great week!
I know what you mean about time flying. It feels like I was doing last week's IMM just a couple of days ago!
How awesome does Glitch look? I'm going to try to get to that soon. I picked up those Kindle freebies too! Even though I have a disgusting amount of free books waiting on my Kindle already (something like 200 last time I checked... oops)
Happy reading, Suzanne!
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