Hi guys, today I welcome to my blog, J. Meyers, author of a fantastic new YA series. The first book in the series, Intangible, is fantastic. You can read my review here. So, shall we get started?
Why don't you start by telling us a bit about yourself?
I am an unschooling mom of four amazing young kids, and am perpetually tired. :-) I love creating in many different forms--writing, drawing portraits, baking, knitting, sewing, singing. I am an artist/creator to the depth of my soul. And I love my life.
My favourite character is Jonas (I have a soft spot for vampires). If you could spend the day with any of the characters, who would you choose, and why?
Oh, I love Jonas, too. I have such a magnificent image of him in my mind. And you know, with all the talk about how vampires are "so last year," I tried really hard to turn Jonas and his coven into some other creature. But I couldn't. They just had to be vampires.
But who would I spend the day with? That's a hard question. It would be interesting to hang out with Jonas, but also possibly incredibly frightening to get near some of the other vampires. So perhaps I wouldn't want to be around all that. (Especially if it was a day he went to visit Lilith. *shiver*)
So, maybe I would choose Fey. I love how kick-butt she is and would want to get a closer look at her world and how she fits into it. I would absolutely want to visit the Realm, and if I were among the Light Elves, I'd feel fairly safe. And I think it would be a pretty jaw-dropping way to spend a day.
If you had the choice of being a Healer or a Seer, which would you choose, and why?
Healer, absolutely. My brother has a rare form of cancer that is incurable but that he's been fighting/living with for over ten years, amazingly. I'd cure him in a heartbeat if I could.
What made you choose the paranormal genre for your first novel?
I *love* paranormal. LOVE. I love magical abilities, mythical and folklore creatures . . . fantastical beings. I love imagining what it would be like if that were the norm, and love reading stories with those elements. Maybe because it's not real life so it's a wonderful escape from the ordinary, and I can break the rules/norms of real life in paranormal. (I do like breaking norms in my own life, so I guess it's not terribly surprising I'd want to do that in my books.)
I don't know. Somehow I can't quite imagine writing a non-paranormal book. I mean, maybe someday I will, but I almost feel as if I wouldn't be very good at it. That I'll be better at wild imaginings than I would be at realistic ones. :-) All my future book ideas are paranormal at the moment.
How many books do you plan to write in this series?
Honestly, I don't know--it really depends on how the story flows. I don't yet know the entire story, but have at least two or three more general ideas for books in this series. I also think it would be fun to create companion books focusing on other Gifteds and their stories. Maybe. By the time I'm getting to companions, I may be itching to create another world entirely in a new book/series.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Writing every morning in my little office sanctuary and then hanging out with my kids the rest of the day, exploring our (future) land, working in our (future) gardens, learning together every step of the way. I *really* like the sound of that. :-)
Thank you so much for joining us today J. I wish you every success with Intangible and any future endeavours.
Great interview Suzanne..i will be reviewing this book soon, i love the cover and it was great getting to know Meyers better.
Love LOVE the font on the title. Adding to goodreads right now :)
Great interview :) !! I can't wait to start reading this book now and to meet Jonas !!
Brilliant interview, you two. I love J's answer about wanting to heal her brother. Wouldn't that be amazing? :)
I have been hearing some great things from reviewers about Intangible so it makes me even more excited to start reading it.
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