Published: 14th February 2013
By: Simon & Schuster UK
Source: Bought
4.5 stars
After having to put aside two books that just weren't working for me, I knew I needed to pick up something I was sure to love, to get me back into the swing of things. So, I decided on Neverfall, something short and hopefully sweet. And I loved falling back into this world. Cole's POV sucked me right in, being inside his head was awesome. It brought back some memories of Everneath and left me really excited about picking up Everbound.
Having pushed Nikki aside and taken her place in the tunnels, Jack is now trapped in the Everneath, and Nikki vows to do everything in her power to get him back. But Cole hasn't been around for the last two months, and she needs his help to get her there, or at least, some of his DNA, she'll go alone if she has to.
He finally returns, but refuses to help, wanting Nikki for himself. He wants them both to become King and Queen of the Underworld, and without Nikki, he can't usurp the present Queen. So Nikki tackles him, grabs a clump of his hair, and makes her way to the Stop-n-go.
Fantastic! One of my favourite series. I find myself so torn between Jack and Cole though where I usually prefer to have a definite favour. Makes things a little bit easier when it goes my way lol. Though I do like that bad boy vibe that Cole has going on, I still can't help but feel for Jack too.
We don't see too much of Jack as he's trapped in the tunnels but the memories of him that Nikki has to find inside her, to allow her find a tether to him, really minimalised his absence while also letting the reader see into their past relationship, before Cole ever showed up. This was really good.
Cole's character takes a bit of a turn here when he appears to have a change of heart. He agrees to help Nikki find Jack, which was unexpected, but he's also protective and caring towards her on their journey. Which made him all the more endearing for me, but I still had a little niggling voice in the back of my mind which didn't trust him.
The ending of Everbound really knocked me for six. I was definitely shocked and surprised and left really wanting....
I'm not a big fan of novellas, and usually don't bother reading them, and rarely find that it impacts on my enjoyment of the series. But in this case, I would really recommend reading Neverfall before Everbound. I was really glad I did.
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