Quote of the Week #9

Friday 30 March 2012.

This is my weekly meme where I post one of my favourite quotes. Feel free to join in. I do it on Friday but you can do it any day of the week you choose just post your link in a comment below. 

Raising Demons (Hex Hall, #2)

This week my Quote of the Week comes from Raising Demons/Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins. I am just about to start reading Spellbound so it seemed like a good choice.

“She was my assignment."
"From The Eye?"
"No, from the Boy Scouts. That Witch Dating badge just kept eluding me."
"Well, you must have at least three Total Douchebag badges by now, so that has to count for something.”

COVER REVEAL: Defy by Raine Thomas

Thursday 29 March 2012.

Defy by Raine Thomas
Published by: Lambe Books
Release Date: April 3rd 2012
Target Audience: Young Adult

Seventeen-year-old Tate is about to make her parents’ dreams come true. Unfortunately for her, their dreams foretell her death.

Eager to explore more of the Estilorian plane and prove her abilities, Tate goes against her parents’ wishes and leaves the area of protection surrounding her home. Her choice puts her on a deadly path…one that leaves her alone, severely injured and battling for her life.

Her possible savior arrives in the form of Zachariah, a male who has removed himself from Estilorian society for more than fifty years. Fighting an unexpected connection to Tate, he must decide whether saving her life is worth destroying his.

As Tate struggles to find a way home, she ends up drawn into a dark Mercesti plot involving multiple murders and a powerful ancient artifact. With the unpredictable Zachariah as her only source for aid, she’ll soon find out if her abilities are strong enough to help her defy her Fate.

Isn't this a gorgeous cover. I love her eyes and the peacock feathers in her hair. Can't wait to read it!

Add it to your TBR on Goodreads


Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LaFevers

Wednesday 28 March 2012.

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)Grave Mercy by R.L. LaFevers
Release Date: April 3rd 2012
Publishers: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
ISBN: 054762834X
Young Adult

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book opens with fourteen year old Ismae Rienne taking part in an arranged marriage. That night, after being attacked by her new husband, she is rescued and taken to the Convent of Saint Mortain, the patron Saint of Death and one of the old gods. She meets with the abbess of the convent and learns that she was sired by Death and is one of his handmaidens. She is to train to be one of Deaths assassins, learning martial arts, how to use many different types of weapon and how to make and administer different poisons. She will then carry out Deaths work.

Three years later, she is ready for her first assignment.

When her second assignment doesn’t quite go to plan, she is placed in the household of Gavriel Duval, half brother to the Duchess. She is to watch and see if he is a traitor. And if the marque of death appears on him or anyone else at Court, she is to kill them.

But what will she do when the man she has fallen in love with has been marqued?

This is the first historical fiction book that I have read and I did not think that this was a genre that I would enjoy.  But I enjoyed every page. I could not put it down. I did no housework yesterday :).

Ismae is an amazing character. She is definitely kick butt as she has been well trained but she is also intelligent. She is able to work with Duval to figure out who is traitorous and how they can secure that France doesn’t take over Brittany while making sure that Anne, the Duchess, gets a suitable husband.  She is very likeable not only to the reader but also to people that she meets at Court. She is brave and merciful.

And I loved Duval. He is definitely one for my book boyfriend list. I loved the way the romance played out. They started off really not liking each other, which gradually grew to respect and finally, to love. I love a romance where the characters start off not liking each other and when the love interest is not “hot”, but becomes beautiful and sexy in their own way because of what we see on the inside.

This book had a lot of action and mystery and was not just built around the romance. The romance very much played a background part here. The characters were all really well written though I did have to really work at times to remember who everyone was.  The politics throughout this book were interesting, surprisingly, as it’s not something I would have expected to enjoy.

There isn’t anything I can find to fault with this book. I would recommend it to everyone even if it’s something you don’t feel you’d like as that’s the way I felt and I absolutely loved it. It is one of those books that keeps playing on my mind, even though I finished it yesterday.

I will read the second book in the series, Dark Triumph. From the blurb, it appears that we will not be continuing on with Ismae’s story which I am sorry to see, even though the ending of this was perfect for her. I can only hope that we will see her and Duval at some point throughout the series.

"Whenever you are ready, or if you never are, my heart is yours, until Death do us part. Whatever that may mean when consorting with one of Death's handmaidens."

Book trailer


Waiting on Wednesday #8

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 

The Treachery of Beautiful Things

This week I'm waiting on The Treachery of Beautiful Things by Ruth Frances Long

Goodreads blurb
The trees swallowed her brother whole. And Jenny was there to see it. Years later, when she returns to the woods where Tom was taken to say good-bye at last, she finds herself lured into a world where stunning beauty masks the most treacherous of evils, and strange and dangerous creatures await—creatures who seem to consider her the threat. Among them is Jack, mercurial and magnetic, with allegiances that shift as much as his moods. Determined to find her brother, with or without Jack’s help, Jenny struggles to navigate a faerie world where nothing is what it seems, no one is who they say, and she’s faced with a choice between salvation or sacrifice—and not just her own.

I haven't read too many faery books and since I read and loved The Iron Fey series, I want to try some more and this one sounds perfect. I love this cover too. What do you think?

What are you waiting on today? Leave your link and I will check it out :)

Teaser Tuesday

Tuesday 27 March 2012.

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. You know the rules: grab your current read, open to a random page and share a two sentence teaser with us (no spoilers!). Be sure to tell us about the book, so we can add it to our TBR list!

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)

This week my teasers comes from Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

"Girls!" Sister Thormin calls out. "Enough chatter, unless you plan to talk your victims to death." 

"Ah, you are still alive. I thought as much. It was the only explanation that made sense."

Guardians: The Girl by Lola St. Vil

Monday 26 March 2012.
Guardians: The Girl Guardians: The Girl by Lola St.Vil
Young Adult

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The blurb from Goodreads

Emmy - a bookish, witty student - is rescued by six teenaged angels with powers, called Guardians. They've been sent to elicit the secret from her before the demons can. Emmy later learns that her name is the only clue to locating a sought-after bridge that for centuries, Evil has plotted to destroy; this would in turn bring about the end of humanity.

Things get worse when Emmy falls madly in love with Marcus, the well-intentioned but obstinate leader of the Guardians. He eventually confesses that he is in love with her as well. Unfortunately, Marcus has been warned by his clairvoyant and omniscient guide that should he and Emmy get together, the mission will fail and humanity will perish.

This is an absolutely fantastic story, original and imaginative. I have not read another angel book like this before. I really liked the ending and I can't wait to see what happens in the next book.

But! I felt like I was reading an unedited manuscript. I really disliked the main character Emmy, she did and said such stupid things. But I feel she is just badly written. I can't help but wonder if the author actually read back over her own work. There was a lot of contradictions throughout and spelling and grammar mistakes.

I am not going to detail all that I found fault with in this book as I don't want to seem like I am attacking the author as I most definitely am not. I understand how hard it is to write a book and the courage that it takes to put it out there for appraisal. I feel this book would really benefit from some professional editing and advice which I am all too aware is not that easy to get. It is an absolutely fantastic unique idea and all the basis of an amazing story are there. Some parts could just be played out differently. Some scenes are too intense and overly dramatic to suit the situation and some scenes are not emotional enough and conversations are stilted. If I'd had a print copy of this there would have been a lot of crossing out and writing in the margins.

I really would like to see this book re-edited. It has a lot of action, a romance of star crossed lovers and the secondary characters were all really likeable. I am looking forward to seeing the direction the author is going to take with future books in this series.

Here are some quotes that I liked:

"I looked at her quickly, then went back to the Muse. She was too short. Her hair was a tangled mess. Her T-shirt had a cartoon pig on it and was ugly and ill fitted. I wanted her."

"You blow on your ice-cream before you eat it. When you watch horror movies and the scary parts come up, you close your cat's eyes along with yours. You have a photo album of the clothes you'd like to wear but don't think its right to ask your mother for. You have a picture you took of me on your cell and don't think I know about. You look at it the same way you look at the clothes in your album-like you have no right to ask for it."

"I heard this guy say once that he thought that if he said 'no' to doing drugs then the fight was over. But it turns out he had to say 'no' each and every day. I didn't get it until I met you. When I first fell for you, I said 'no' to it. Then the next day the feeling came back. Now every single day, I have to say 'no' to being with you."

"Don't I get a chance to convince you to choose me?" "You couldn't." "Why?" "Because nothing you could say could get me to love you more than I already do."

Video trailer

Buy the book: Amazon/Smashwords

In My Mailbox #14

Sunday 25 March 2012.

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. This is where we share what we have bought/received/borrowed throughout the week.

All review books this week

I received this from the publishers for review. It is only the second print arc that I've received and I was so excited when I opened it. I absolutely loved Starcrossed.

A Marked Past (The Mercer Legacy #1)Eden (Eden, #1)Any Love But Mine
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1)Dark Kiss (Nightwatchers, #1)

Thanks to Leslie Deaton, PR&UFF group GR, Debbie Davies, Netgalley and Harelquin for providing these books for review


Interview with J. Meyers

Saturday 24 March 2012.


Hi guys, today I welcome to my blog, J. Meyers, author of a fantastic new YA series. The first book in the series, Intangible, is fantastic. You can read my review here. So, shall we get started?

Why don't you start by telling us a bit about yourself?
I am an unschooling mom of four amazing young kids, and am perpetually tired. :-) I love creating in many different forms--writing, drawing portraits, baking, knitting, sewing, singing. I am an artist/creator to the depth of my soul. And I love my life.

My favourite character is Jonas (I have a soft spot for vampires). If you could spend the day with any of the characters, who would you choose, and why?
Oh, I love Jonas, too. I have such a magnificent image of him in my mind. And you know, with all the talk about how vampires are "so last year," I tried really hard to turn Jonas and his coven into some other creature. But I couldn't. They just had to be vampires.
But who would I spend the day with? That's a hard question. It would be interesting to hang out with Jonas, but also possibly incredibly frightening to get near some of the other vampires. So perhaps I wouldn't want to be around all that. (Especially if it was a day he went to visit Lilith. *shiver*)
So, maybe I would choose Fey. I love how kick-butt she is and would want to get a closer look at her world and how she fits into it. I would absolutely want to visit the Realm, and if I were among the Light Elves, I'd feel fairly safe. And I think it would be a pretty jaw-dropping way to spend a day.

If you had the choice of being a Healer or a Seer, which would you choose, and why?
Healer, absolutely. My brother has a rare form of cancer that is incurable but that he's been fighting/living with for over ten years, amazingly. I'd cure him in a heartbeat if I could.

What made you choose the paranormal genre for your first novel?
I *love* paranormal. LOVE. I love magical abilities, mythical and folklore creatures . . . fantastical beings. I love imagining what it would be like if that were the norm, and love reading stories with those elements. Maybe because it's not real life so it's a wonderful escape from the ordinary, and I can break the rules/norms of real life in paranormal. (I do like breaking norms in my own life, so I guess it's not terribly surprising I'd want to do that in my books.)
I don't know. Somehow I can't quite imagine writing a non-paranormal book. I mean, maybe someday I will, but I almost feel as if I wouldn't be very good at it. That I'll be better at wild imaginings than I would be at realistic ones. :-) All my future book ideas are paranormal at the moment.

How many books do you plan to write in this series?
Honestly, I don't know--it really depends on how the story flows. I don't yet know the entire story, but have at least two or three more general ideas for books in this series. I also think it would be fun to create companion books focusing on other Gifteds and their stories. Maybe. By the time I'm getting to companions, I may be itching to create another world entirely in a new book/series.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Writing every morning in my little office sanctuary and then hanging out with my kids the rest of the day, exploring our (future) land, working in our (future) gardens, learning together every step of the way. I *really* like the sound of that. :-)

Thank you so much for joining us today J. I wish you every success with Intangible and any future endeavours.


Kick Butt Characters Blog Hop

Thursday 22 March 2012.

Hi all, this is my first time to take part in a Blog Hop and I'm sure it won't be my last.

I am giving away a book from my favourite series, Morganville Vampires. I absolutely love it. All of the four main characters are kick ass as far as I'm concerned. And two hot guys to swoon over too. Although my favourite is definitely Shane. 

So, I am going to give away Volume 1 in the series, which is the first two books, Glass Houses and The Dead Girls Dance. This will be international providing that the Book Depository ships to your country, which you can check here.

The Morganville Vampires, Volume 1


Intangible by J. Meyers

IntangibleIntangible by J. Meyers
Published January 31st 2012
Young Adult

My rating: 4.5 stars

This book started off slow for me but it really picked up, to the point where I didn't want to put it down. It was intriguing and kept me guessing throughout. I had no idea the direction that this was going to take. I absolutely loved the ending and felt it opened some interesting doors for a second instalment.

Sera and Luke are twins who are gifted. Sera is a healer and Luke is a Seer. Luke has a vision in which he Sees Sera get killed by a woman with red hair. And the worst thing about Luke's visions, they always happen, there's nothing he can do to stop them. Luke can't see anything about himself so he doesn't know that he is also in danger due to a prophecy which mentions them.

Luke and Sera don't mix much with others. They have one best friend, Fey and a kind of acquaintance, Quinn. They believe that no one else around them knows about their powers as they keep them secret. This in turn, keeps them from learning about the powers of others around them. The reader gets some insight into but are also kept in the dark at times which adds intrigue throughout the book. It is completely unpredictable. I don't think I could have fathomed a guess at where this was going to go.

Jonas and Marc are secondary characters who have their own secrets. As does Fey. I really liked Jonas but I couldn't take to Marc at all. Fey was a character who was around a lot throughout the book but yet didn't stand out for me, even though she plays an important part in the story. I don't think her character was defined enough.

The action doesn't peak until the end but it was really enjoyable and well done. This book has vampires, dark elves and light elves as well as a Seer, healer and mind reader.

The author did a fantastic job and I would find very little to fault her on except that I found the changing POV's to be confusing at the start of the book. I got used to it eventually but I think this may have been what slowed down the start of the book for me as it just didn't flow smoothly.

Overall though, I definitely think this is a must read for all paranormal fans out there. I hope that we are going to be seeing a second in the series.

Buy the Book: Amazon/Barnes & Noble


Waiting on Wednesday #7

Wednesday 21 March 2012.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 

Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries #1)
by Michelle Vail
Expected Publication: 20th November 2012

By Harper Teen

The day I turned 16, my boyfriend-to-be died. I brought him back to life. Then things got a little weird...

Molly Bartolucci wants to blend in, date hottie Rick and keep her zombie-raising abilities on the down-low. Then the god Anubis chooses her to become a reaper—and she accidentally undoes the work of another reaper, Rath.

Within days, she’s shipped off to the Nekyia Academy, an elite school that trains the best necromancers in the world. And her personal reaping tutor? Rath. Who seems to hate her guts.

Rath will be watching closely to be sure she completes her first assignment-reaping Rick, the boy who should have died. The boy she still wants to be with.

To make matters worse, students at the academy start turning up catatonic, and accusations fly—against Molly. The only way out of this mess? To go through hell. Literally.

Doesn't this sound good. I can't wait to read it. I'm a big reaper fan and I really like books that are based around Academy's/boarding schools. 

What are you waiting on this Wednesday. Leave me a comment and let me know :)

Teaser Tuesday

Tuesday 20 March 2012.

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. You know the rules: grab your current read, open to a random page and share a two sentence teaser with us (no spoilers!). Be sure to tell us about the book, so we can add it to our TBR list!

This week my Teaser comes from Intangible by J. Meyers

Marc laughed. "Nice." A shadow crossed his face for a brief second-almost too quick to be seen. But Sera had seen it. She studied him harder.
Here was a person with secrets, she thought. Just like her.


Interview with Gina Damico

Croak (Croak, #1)

Today, I am very happy to welcome Gina Damico to my blog. She is the author of the YA series, Croak. The first in the series, also entitled Croak, releases today, yay!! She has happily agreed to answer a few questions for us. 

So, lets get started.

Would you like to start by telling us a bit about yourself.
I have very small hands. Like, creepy small. Let's see, I live in a hundred year old house outside of Boston, I own over a hundred board games - though to be fair, most of them were brought to the party by my husband - and I just ate some delicious eggplant ravioli with nutmeg sauce.

Can you sum up "Croak" in 10 words?
It has a very shiny cover, and lots of death.

If you could hang out with any of the characters for a day, who would it be?
I'd love to get Pandora's recipes for all things deep-fried. Plus she's old and cranky, and cranky old people always make for a good time.

What inspired you to write about grim reapers?
While the initial idea just sort of popped into my head, the more I thought about it, the more opportunities I saw for humor and a quirky twist on the classic stereotype of 'creepy tall guy in torn-up hooded cloak'. Just add teenagers, a dash of mystery, and stir!

If Croak was made into a movie, who would you like to see play Lex, Driggs and Uncle Mort?
For Lex and Driggs, I'd want a couple of no-name teenagers (who are actually teenagers) who hadn't done much before. I don't know why - I just kind of like the idea of having brand new kids, as opposed ones we've seen before in other things. As for Uncle Mort, I must confess a certain affinity for Colin Farrell. He'd have the perfect look, and is badass, snarky, and likable all at the same time.

Scorch, the second book is coming out in the Fall, how many books do you plan to write in the Croak series?
Three. I know where I want the story to go and I have a satisfying ending in my head, and I don't see the need to stretch it out beyond that. Anything could happen, I suppose, but as much as I love the Croak kids, I also want the opportunity to write new things after the series is over. And then of course there's my erotic Titanic fan fiction career to consider...

Quickfire Questions

Killer or Culler - Killer. I'm not graceful enough to be a Culler. I'd drop souls all over the place.

Tea or Coffee - Coffee, though I hate the taste of both. I only drink it because it makes me temporarily nutzoid.

Favourite Song - I don't know that it's my definite favorite, but I think that if every day ended with a rousing rendition of "Don't Stop Believin'", we'd all be a lot happier.

Favourite Colour - Bright green. No, red. No, black. Purple! What was the question again?

Favourite Book - There are so many books that I've fallen in love with as an adult, but I think the book that I've loved for the longest is Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? by Dr. Seuss. Considering the fact that I have a book coming out, I feel very lucky these days indeed - certainly luckier than the Crumple-horn, Web-footed, Green-bearded Schlottz, whose tail is entailed with unsolvable knots!

Favourite Genre - Action/Fantasy/Paranormal/Pop Science Nonfiction. That's a thing, right?

What are you reading now? At the moment I'm plowing through a pile of books by the Apocalypsies, which is the group of 2012 debut YA/MG authors that I belong to. Trust me, this is going to be a good year for book nuts.

Thanks for having me, and happy reaping reading!

Thank you so much for joining us today Gina and I wish you the best of luck with Croak, which I'm sure you don't need. 

You can read my review here.


Wraith Giveaway

Monday 19 March 2012.


Wraith by Edie Claire

She thought that seeing the shadows was a curse. Until she saw him.

Seventeen-year-old Kali has always seen two sets of people: those living now, and those who lived before. But on her spring break in Hawaii, she is suddenly surrounded by more shadows than ever. Including one who, unlike the others, can see her too.

Zane remembers nothing besides surfing the monster waves of Oahu's North Shore. He doesn't even know how, or when, he died. He only knows that Kali's "gift" could be his last chance to find the light--before the mysteries of his past plunge them both into darkness…

My Review

Giveaway is international. Everyone who enters will get a half price voucher to buy the book :) 


In My Mailbox #13

Sunday 18 March 2012.

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. This is where we share what we have bought/received/borrowed throughout the week.

I received these books for review this week

Illicit Magic (Stella Mayweather #1) Torn When Destiny Knocks (Destiny Saga, #1) The Weepers: The Other Life

Illicit Magic (Stella Mayweather #1) by Camilla Chafer
Torn by Ashley S. Morgan
When Destiny Knocks by Heather M. White
The Weepers: The Other Life by Susanne Winnacker

Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy, #1) Yesterday

Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan
Yesterday by C.K. Kelly Martin

I won this in a blog giveaway

Casey Barnes Eponymous

Casey Barnes Eponymous by E.A. Rigg

Thank you for stopping by. What was in your mailbox this week?

Saturday 17 March 2012.

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Quote of the Week #8

Friday 16 March 2012.

This is my weekly meme where I post one of my favourite quotes. Feel free to join in. I do it on Friday but you can do it any day of the week you choose just post your link in a comment below. 

Love You to Death & High Stakes (Mediator, #1-2)

This week my quote comes from Love You To Death and High Stakes by Meg Cabot. The first two books in the Mediator series. This is one of my favourite series.

“I may have been dead for the past hundred and fifty years, Susannah,...but that doesn't mean I don't know how people say good night. And generally, when people say good night, they keep their tongues to themselves.”

Chosen Ones by Tiffany Truitt

Wednesday 14 March 2012.

Chosen Ones (The Lost Souls, #1)Chosen Ones by Tiffany Truitt
Publication: 10th April 2012
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
ISBN: 1620610000
Young Adult

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

World war 4 has decimated the United States. Tess lives in a compound in the West with a group of naturals. The Easterners and Westerners are constantly at war due to disagreements in the way to re-establish the country. Women can no longer have children and men are being killed at war. The government begin a Council of Creators to build a new race who will live on when the human race has died out. They are physically stronger and faster than humans (naturals), and they are trained to fight against the Easterners. They are only creating men, no women.

When the oldest girl in each family reaches the age of 16, she must go to work at Templeton, the training centre of the Chosen Ones, as a slave for three years. When Tess' older sister Emma dies in childbirth, Tess must take her place.

Tess has had a hard, sad life. She watched her father be taken away by Chosen Ones and he never returned. Her mother was an alcoholic who killed herself. Her childhood friend Henry, stopped talking to her one day and she doesn't know why. Now she only has her younger sister Louisa, who she was never really close to, and Robert, Emma's husband, who she can barely stand to look at.

Tess has always stuck to the rules of the Council and plans to never fall in love. She buries her emotions deep and doesn't show her feelings on the outside. But everything changes when she goes to Templeton. She discovers that the Chosen Ones have everything. They are treated like Gods compared to the naturals, who have lost almost everything; books, music and education. The naturals food is rationed. Tess can't remember the last time she had butter and at Templeton she is serving foods she has never even heard of, along with champagne.

She has always been taught that the Chosen Ones are there to protect the naturals but she realises that this is not the case. The Chosen Ones are taught to hate the naturals and they see them as being beneath them. Life is dangerous for the girls at Templeton. Tess meets James and discovers he is different to the others. They share a love of music and books and spend a lot of time together. But they must be careful not to show their feelings in front of anyone else.

Tess feels that she can't just stand by and watch what the Council are doing. There must be someone or something who can help them. When Tess' life is in danger, she discovers the Resistance.

The ending of this book shattered my heart and I am really anxious for the next instalment.

I really, really liked this. It has to be my favourite dystopian. It is so well written and easy to read even though there is a lot of information involved. Tiffany did a great job at the world building, I could totally envision it. Tess is given letters that her dad had written to her when she was a little girl. Through these, her dad gives us an insight into what was going on with the Council and that he was against it.

This is a fantastic story of discord, courage and love in the face of adversity. I strongly recommend it.

"The female is dangerous because of her natural tendency to embrace humans emotional side and her ability to elicit and encourage sexual activity."..."Sex equates full and utter dependence on someone else both physically and emotionally. There is brutal war going on right outside our home; we can't afford to be distracted."

Thanks to Entangled Publishing for providing a copy of this book for review

Waiting on Wednesday #6

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 

Dark Companion

Dark Companion by Marta Acosta

Expected publication: July 3rd 2012 by Tor/Macmillan 

When foster teen Jane Williams is invited to attend elite Birch Grove Academy for Girls and escape her violent urban neighborhood, she thinks the offer is too good to be true. She's even offered her own living quarters, the groundskeeper's cottage in the center of the birch grove.

Something's not quite right about the school -- or is it Jane? She thinks she sees things in the birch grove at night. She's also beginning to suspect that the elegant headmistress and her sons are hiding secrets. Lucky is the gorgeous, golden son who is especially attentive to Jane, and Jack is the sardonic puzzling brother.

The school with its talented teachers and bright students is a dream for a science and math geek like Jane. She also loves her new friends, including hilarious poetry-spouting rich girl, Mary Violet. But the longer Jane stays at Birch Grove, the more questions she has about the disappearance of another scholarship girl and a missing faculty member.

Jane discovers one secret about Birch Grove, which only leads to more mysteries. What is she willing to sacrifice in order to stay at this school...and be bound to Birch Grove forever?

I think this sounds really interesting and the cover is amazing. What do you think? Add it to your TBR on Goodreads.

What are you waiting on today? Leave me a comment so I can check it out.


COVER REVEAL: Between by Cambria Hebert

Tuesday 13 March 2012.

Before by Cambria Hebert
Book Release Date: April 20th 2012
Target Reader: Young Adult


I grew up in a comfortable house with two parents and a white-picket fence. My brother, Sam, and I used to play with sticks in the backyard and pretend they were swords. There were always cookies on the table and milk in the fridge. Then, one day, things changed.

Sam changed.

Life was never the same again. Sam left. My parents abandoned him when he needed them most, and I was left to survive in a house that was merely a shell of what it used to be. Mom cried all the time and Dad expected me to fill the void my brother left behind. But mostly, all we did was pretend. We pretended that things weren’t messed up. We pretended that Sam never existed.

Until I changed, too.

Now, everything’s a mess and I’m so confused. It’s like there are two different people trapped inside one body—my body—and one of them wants out. I do things. Bad things and I don’t know how to stop. I’m not sure I want to. The only way I can be normal again is if I find Sam. He’ll know what to do. He has too.

I am loving this cover, isn't it awesome. I can't wait to read this and learn more about Logan. We only got a glimpse of him in Masquerade

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Cover Designed by Regina Wamba of Mae I Design (http://www.maeidesign.com)

Vivid by Andrea Murray

Monday 12 March 2012.

VividVivid by Andrea Murray
Published: December 13th 2011
Young Adult

My rating: 3.5 Stars

When Vivian was 5 years old, she saw her mother die and she was taken to live with her aunt Charlotte. Now, 11 years later, she is starting to dream about her mother, and the men she was running from.

Vivian has a gift. As had her mother and her grandmother before her. She can control the energy around her. Her gift mainly lies dormant, until one day, her best friend is attacked in the cafeteria and Vivian accidentally burns the bully's arm. After that, she just can't seem to stop using it. She decides she needs to leave in order to protect the people she loves from the same people who killed her mother.

Vivian is a strong female protagonist who grows and develops throughout this book. By the end, she is kick ass. She is really likeable and I was completely drawn to her from the start of the book. She is kind of an outcast at school, with only one friend, Abby. So when she has to tutor a jock, Easton, as punishment, she can't believe it when he seems to be attracted to her. Easton is a good guy. He is hot and sweet and I couldn't help but like him.

Abby, the best friend, didn't actually stand out too much. I wasn't crazy about her anyway for reasons which will become clear when you read the book.

I enjoyed this book a lot. Most of it is actually about Vivian learning about her powers and how to control them. We don't see much action until the very end aside from some high school drama with the usual high school populars who like to pick on others. Trista, is one such girl and she has a big grudge against Vivian. There wasn't insta-love but I felt that it did move towards the 'L' word a little too quickly.

This book is the first in a series and paved the way for what I hope to be an even better second instalment which I will be looking forward to reading. I can't wait to see how Vivian deals with the events that unfolded at the end of this book.

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