Waiting on Wednesday #6

Wednesday 14 March 2012.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 

Dark Companion

Dark Companion by Marta Acosta

Expected publication: July 3rd 2012 by Tor/Macmillan 

When foster teen Jane Williams is invited to attend elite Birch Grove Academy for Girls and escape her violent urban neighborhood, she thinks the offer is too good to be true. She's even offered her own living quarters, the groundskeeper's cottage in the center of the birch grove.

Something's not quite right about the school -- or is it Jane? She thinks she sees things in the birch grove at night. She's also beginning to suspect that the elegant headmistress and her sons are hiding secrets. Lucky is the gorgeous, golden son who is especially attentive to Jane, and Jack is the sardonic puzzling brother.

The school with its talented teachers and bright students is a dream for a science and math geek like Jane. She also loves her new friends, including hilarious poetry-spouting rich girl, Mary Violet. But the longer Jane stays at Birch Grove, the more questions she has about the disappearance of another scholarship girl and a missing faculty member.

Jane discovers one secret about Birch Grove, which only leads to more mysteries. What is she willing to sacrifice in order to stay at this school...and be bound to Birch Grove forever?

I think this sounds really interesting and the cover is amazing. What do you think? Add it to your TBR on Goodreads.

What are you waiting on today? Leave me a comment so I can check it out.


Anonymous said...

Hi there :) just popping in...
I love Marta Acosta, she writes some great books. the cover of this is creepily delicious!Must add it to my TBR pile.

Here is my choice...

Waiting on Wednesday

Hollie said...

This one does sound great, I'm liking the mystery element to this one!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Rebecca said...

This is one I am waiting on as well. I love the cover too! Great pick.

Unknown said...

That cover is so pretty and errie! I love it! Never heard of it but sounds like a good creepy mystery! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Santiago said...

love the cover of this book! i'm a sucker for forest backgrounds and pretty dresses. REALLY want to read this book too :)

my WoW pick.


The Book Rogue said...

Yeah, this sounds really intersting, plus the nice cover... I guess this will make it to my tbr. ;)
Here's my WoW of the week

Sam (Realm of Fiction) said...

I'll admit that the first time I read the description for this book was because of cover lust. It's just gorgeous! I couldn't help but be drawn to it. ;) I'm glad I was though - it sounds really amazing. Great WOW choice!

Jennifer said...

I really love the cover for this one and the synopsis sounds incredibly intriguing. Thanks for sharing :)

Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

This one sounds so good! Thanks for sharing :D
Here's my WoW :)

-Kimberly @ Turning The Pages

Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings said...

Definitely a pretty cover. So what is up with the Birch Grove? Womdering! Happy Wednesday Suzanne.

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