Darkness Before Dawn by J.A. London

Tuesday 13 November 2012.

Darkness Before Dawn (Darkness Before Dawn, #1)Darkness Before Dawn by J.A. London
Published: 29th May 2012
By: Harper Teen
Source: Library

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was really looking forward to reading Darkness Before Dawn so when I sat down on a Sunday afternoon to start this book it was with excitement and anticipation. But unfortunately, it couldn't hold my attention and the slightest little thing was distracting me. Thankfully, about a third of the way in, things really kicked up a notch and I was fully engrossed in the remainder of the book.

Dawn Montgomery is only 17 years old, when her parents are assassinated following a meeting with the head vampire of Denver, Lord Valentine, who then insists that Dawn become the new vampire delegate.

Dawn and the rest of the humans, live in the city, which is surrounded by a guarded wall, meant to keep vampires out and humans in and supposedly safe from vampires. But as there's always rogue vampires around, it is dangerous to be out after sunset.

One night Dawn and her best friend Tegan are reckless and go to a party, close to the wall. Tegan's drink gets spiked and Dawn has to get her out of there. With no signal on her cell, she must do it alone. When they are attacked by vampires on the train, they are saved by a mysterious stranger. One that Dawn meets again on her first meeting again with Lord Valentine.

I really liked Dawn. She's brave and tough, and despite some recklessness, she does appear to have her head screwed on. I wasn't quite as fond of Tegan or Michael, Dawn's boyfriend. Tegan is constantly trying to get Dawn to do dangerous things and Michael seems to need a lot of ego rubbing. So, enter Victor, who I just couldn't help but love, he's like the Robin Hood of vampires.

So, as I'm sure you've guessed, we do have a love triangle, but it wasn't one that bothered me too much as I have a straight up winner. Now I just have to hope things go my way in future instalments.

Throughout this book, we received some interesting hints about Dawn and I'm looking forward to seeing how things turn out in that department. I'm also excited to see how things go for Victor in his new role.

Blood Kissed Sky is set for release in December which is not too bad, as things go and I'll definitely be picking this one up.

Buy the book: Amazon/The Book Depository


rogier said...

sounds coool

Zahida said...

I'm not a humongous vampire fan but I've been wanting to give this one a try just because of its cover. Yours is I believe the first review I've read for it, Suzanne, so I'm glad you weren't disappointed as I usually get burned by pretty covers.

Jennifer Messerschmidt said...

I am curious what will happen next with Victor and about Dawn's little secret thing that was hinted at. But oh poor Michael! I loved him :-( Victor was a good guy too. Seems like he will be really busy in the next book. Michael was attacked though and I am wondering if he is okay. I liked the vamp world of this one.

Jennifer V. said...

I will have to add this to my TBR. Love the cover and it sounds like an awesome vamp book. Thanks so much for sharing, Suzanne. Great review :)

Jennifer @ Dream Reads

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) said...

I tried reading this a few months back and gave up, but after reading your review, I think I might have been a bit hasty with my decision. This book definitely deserves another chance and fortunately, I have a copy. :)
It just felt like a packaged book to me so I gave up instead of waiting a while to decide.
Wonderful review!

Jasprit said...

Oh I'm glad this book picked up for you Suzanne as it does have a really promising premise! I really do like the sound of Victor! You compared him to Robin Hood of Vampires! I have to meet him right away!!! It's also good to know when a love triangle doesn't bother you in the slightest, I'm liking the sound of this book more and more. I'm glad too that you don't have to wait too long for the next book! Another brilliant review Suzanne! :)

Giselleco said...

This is one that was high on my wishlist and I haven't gotten to it yet. It sounds great and I'm glad the love triangle is not the back and forth can't make up her mind kind. >.< Great review!

DonnasReviews said...

I'm so glad you loved this one. I want to read SO BAD but I haven't got the time yet. One day I will!

Heidi said...

I was so excited for this one and then the reviews were not so great. I am glad that you enjoyed it overall but I am not thrilled about the love triangle, I am so tired of them. I will see how you feel about book two before deciding!

Sam @ Realm of Fiction said...

Lovely review, Suzanne! I'm glad this worked out in the end, despite the rocky start. I want to give it a shot. :)

Pnrurbfantasyreviews said...

I still haven't read this, but you made it sound good. Great review, and I love Robin Hood, so Victor might be my fav., also

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