One Year Blogoversary Giveaway

Wednesday 7 November 2012.

Oh my God, I can't believe that I've been blogging for a year already. The time has just flown by and I've really enjoyed it. I've had the privilege of reviewing some amazing books and I've also made some great friends. Thank you to all you guys who stop by regularly and to all my followers. I also want to thank all the publishers and authors who have kept this blog going by providing me with books for review. You are all awesome. 

I'm giving two people the chance to win a book of their choice from The Book Depository up to a total of €10. This giveaway is international providing The Book Depository ships to you're country.


Krista said...

Happy 1 year!!! Mine is in Feb can't wait:)

Evie said...

Happy Blogoversary!
And thanks for the giveaway :)

Rachel said...

One year, Suzanne?!! Congratulations!! You're doing a fabulous job. Thanks for giving us the present! :)

nurmawati djuhawan said...

happy blogoversary :D

The Book Rogue said...

Congrats on your first bloggy year! It's been awesome so far, and I'm sure it's going to be even more so in the future. Thanks for hosting us a giveaway, Suz! xoxo

Unknown said...

happy blogoversary for you...
and thanks for the giveaway ^^

Unknown said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!! A year does fly by! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sam (Realm of Fiction) said...

One year?! That's amazing! You and your blog rock. :) I'm running up to my first blogoversary soon too and it's pretty insane to look back on it all and think about how quickly it passed. Time flies when you're having fun, right? ;)


Midnyte Reader said...


Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms said...

Happy blogoversary! One year is the first milestone :) it's great to be a part of the blogger community.

Aa'Ishah said...

Wow, congrats! Happy bloggerversary! You have an amazing blog, and I'm so glad we're friends. :)

Jennifer said...

Congratulations, Suzanne! That is awesome <3. And, thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway. Happy Wednesday :)

Deirdre said...

rather cool!

Sandi Blanc (The Blue Ewe) said...

Congrats...have thought about blogging but am stuck as to how to begin...great job

A Canadian Girl said...

Woot, happy first blogoversary, Suzanne! You'll be celebrating your second before you know it ;)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm a relic and turned 2 this month - time flies, doesn't it? :)

Thank you so much for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

OMGosh!! Congratulations Suzanne!! ^_^ *happy dance* Long time coming, but you made it! :D Woot! I'm glad you didn't throw in the towel Suzanne, here's to many more Blogging Days ^_^ <3


Jasprit said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary Suzanne! Time sure does fly by when you're having so much fun! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) said...

Happy one year blogoversary, Suzanne! I love coming here and I adore your blog, it's defintely something to celebrate.
Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Silverlight said...

Happy 1 year Blogoversary!!

Books Books and More Books said...

Happy Bloggin' Birthday!

I'm a newbie blogger - You should stop by & follow me - I also have a huge giveaway going on.

My Blog

Elodie said...

Happy blogoversary Suzanne :) !! This is definitely a milestone !! Thank you so much for the giveaway!! I love your blog !

Melissas Midnight Musings said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Jennifer Messerschmidt said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! :-D

DonnasReviews said...

Congrats lady on reaching 1 year! It's a massive milestone and I'm glad your here! =)

Natalie Allan said...

Congrats on your blogging anniversary :D

Eli Yanti said...

Happy Blogoversary :)

izz yuniar said...

Happy first blogoversary Suzanne, yay! *throwing confetti*

izz said...

Happy first blogoversary Suzanne, yay! *throwing confetti*

izz said...

sorry for the double post >.< you can delete this one.

Pnrurbfantasyreviews said...


Laira Jhamille Bolinao said...

Happy Blogoversary dear! More power to your blog!

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