Slammed by Colleen Hoover

Thursday 17 January 2013.
Slammed (Slammed, #1)
Slammed by Colleen Hoover
Published: 18th September 2012
By: Simon & Schuster
Source: Netgalley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's been a few months since Layken's dad died and they can no longer afford to stay living on their ranch in Texas. So Layken, her mom and her brother Kel, who's 9, move to Michigan, a move that Layken is really not happy with.

As soon as Kel steps out of the u-haul, he has made a friend. A boy named Caulder who lives directly across the street from them. And within minutes, Layken meets his very hot older brother, Will.

Over the next few days, they really hit it off, and even go on their first date. But come Monday morning, they're both devastated when they realise that they can't be together.

This is an amazing book that filled me with so many emotions. I was laughing out loud, crying heartbreaking tears and tears of joy. This was a book that really tugged the heart strings in so many different directions. This kind of book is not what I would usually read, but having read some amazing reviews, once I picked it up, I just couldn't put it down.

A part of this that I really enjoyed, which actually surprised me, was the slam poetry. Before beginning this book I had envisioned myself skimming over the poetry sections. But they were well written and I loved the part they played in the book.

Lake and Will were both amazing characters that I don't think anyone could but like and feel for. The secondary characters play a significant part in this book, especially both younger brothers and Lake's mother. Eddie (a girl), who quickly becomes Lake's best friend was another great addition. She's had her own hardships in life, but yet she remains perky and upbeat and is always looking out for Lake. The relationship she has with Gavin is sweet and endearing.

Read it!!! That's the best advice I can give. Point of Retreat, book 2 in this series is up next for me. And from the blurb, I'm expecting another ride on an emotional rollercoaster.

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Maja (The Nocturnal Library) said...

You too?! Lisa keeps raving about this book and trying to talk me into reading it, but I must admit I was skeptical. Now, after reading your lovely review, I definitely changed my mind. Besides, I love poetry so that's a definite plus.

Sam (Realm of Fiction) said...

I keep telling people I will read this soon. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it, Suzanne! I love those books that can make you laugh and cry simultaneously. And it's interesting to know the poetry actually worked for you. Maybe it will for me too! Great review. :)

Michele said...

I loved this book, and like you it wasn't one I think I would have normally chosen, but I'm blown away by Colleen Hoover's writing. I agree that the secondary characters are awesome, I really felt like they were just as interesting as Will and Layken. Great review! : )

Jasprit said...

Oh gosh the number of 5 star reviews I have read for this book have been endless, so I'm glad that you were able to love this book too Suzanne, I have had a copy of this book for ages and just really need to get a move on and make time for it. I really need to check out this slam poetry too! Lovely review Suzanne, I hope you enjoy book two just as much! :)

LoveOfBooks said...

I didn't even realized that I already had this on my kindle until I looked a few days ago. D'oh! I definitely want to read this. Honestly, I probably would've expected to skim over the poetry too, but I'm curious about it now. Great review!

Unknown said...

I bought this close to when it released and I really must finally make the time. I hear nothing but amazing things about it! I'll have tissues ready!

Rachel said...

I'm soooo thrilled you loved this as much as I did, Suzanne. It was an emotional roller coaster, but one I would ride again! Excellent review. :)

Silverlight said...

I really need to start this soon! So many other books keep getting in the way! Great review!!

A Canadian Girl said...

I keep hearing about how good this one is and how many people loved the slam poetry despite not liking poetry much. I'll try to take a look at this one when I get some free time.

Jennifer said...

I bought the paperback of this book a while ago and have not had the chance to read it. I hope to do so soon, though. It sounds really good. Great review! :)

Jennifer @ Dream Reads

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