Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, (and filling our kindle) sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process! Hosted by Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews
Hey there everyone. I hope you're all enjoying your weekends and getting lots of reading done. I haven't done a STS post in three weeks so this is not a big haul. I have so many good books at the moment, and I just need more reading time :) A cleaner and a nanny would soon sort that lol...
While you're here, why not enter my giveaway to win your choice of book by Shannon Dermott, who is my favourite indie author.
Click on the book title for Goodreads information
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Sealed with a Curse by Cecy Robson
Recalled by Cambria Hebert
For Review:
Crossfire (Darkride Chronicles #2) by Laura Bradley Rede (author)
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa (publishers)
Day After (The 19th Year #2) by Michele Vail (publishers)
Strangelets by Michelle Gagnon (Netgalley)
Strangelets by Michelle Gagnon (Netgalley)
I've heard great things about Sealed With a Curse, so I can't wait to see what you make of it! Happy Reading!(:
So many awesome books! Shatter Me <3 and The Eternity Cure :D
hope you enjoy them all,
- Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf
Nice haul! Really looking forward to reading The Eternity Cure, as I'm a big fan of Julie's series. And I second your wish for more reading time, as I could really use an extra hour or two per day! :)
My books
Ooohhhhhh Day After! I just read After Dark and am excited to get Winn's POV. I am dying for Eternity Cure but haven't seen it for the U.S. yet. I've been stalking Netgalley. I also received Strangelets and I am super excited for that one. I want to get Recalled too. Enjoy!
Awesome haul. I got The Eternity Cure also. I am jealous you have Sealed with a Curse, it's on my wishlist. I have Shatter Me on my TBR list, will hopefully get to read it soon. Thanks for sharing and happy reading.
Katie ~ My Mailbox
I can't wait to see what you think of Unravel Me! I loved it mostly, though the romance/love triangle drove me insane. ;) And yay for The Eternity Cure! I'm really looking forward to reading that book.
I can't wait to start the Shatter Me series as well!!
Happy reading!
Read Into Hiding
Yay for Shatter Me and The Eternity Cure Suzanne! It took me forever to pick up Shatter Me, but when I did I absolutely loved it, so I hope you do too! Also I'm dying to start The Eternity Cure straight away, but I'm making myself finish my earlier review books off first, I hope we both end up loving it as much as The Immortal Rules! I hope you enjoy the rest of your books too! :)
I finished Recalled a couple of days ago and it was amazing! Enjoy! :)
My haul
Crossfire is on my stack too. I know what you mean about trying to find more reading time. Let's petition for more hours in the day. Come see what I got at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!
I hope you love Shatter Me as much as I did, Suzanne. So jealous you got Eternity Cure. Can't wait to see what you think of both of them. Happy reading! :)
I have Eternity Cure too and can't wait.
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
The eternity cure <3 I neeeeed it.
Happy reading!
- Mel@thedailyprophecy.
Yay! Sealed with a Curse! I just know you're going to love it. And I need to read Recalled.
Yaay, Sealed with a Curse was so much fun! You'll love Aric, I just know it. Oh, and of course, I'm a huge fan of Shatter Me and I hope you'll become one too.
I have GOT to get my hands on The Immortal Cure, although I am a bit scared of that cliffhanger people keep taking about.
Enjoy them all.
I LOVE the cover of Recalled. I'd read it just based on the cover. I haven't read Shatter Me yet, but I've heard so many good things about both Shatter Me and Unravel Me. Happy reading!
New follower!
Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict
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