Blood-Kissed Sky by J.A. London

Saturday 2 March 2013.

Blood-Kissed Sky (Darkness Before Dawn Trilogy, #2)Blood-Kissed Sky by J.A. London
Published: 26th December 2012
By: Harperteen
Source: Bought

My rating: 4.5 stars

Blood Kissed Sky is the second book in the Darkness Before Dawn series and it definitely was a fantastic sequel. I was disappointed to realise that Victor was going to be absent for a lot of this book, while Dawn goes to Los Angeles. And while I did really miss him, we got to see glimpses of him through dreams, and there was a lot going on with Dawn in LA to keep me glued to the pages.

Dawn heads to LA, a city that is completely free of vampires, to find out how they are dealing with the Thirst. Also, that's where Sin said he came from, and while he may have been lying, Dawn hopes he wasn't and that she can also find out more about him and his day walkers. What she discovers in LA is truly terrifying.

The attack on the teenagers at the Blood Drive in Darkness Before Dawn, is now being dubbed "Hell Night" and the terrible events of that night have taken their toll and I felt we see changes in the characters due to this. Dawn is tougher, and Michael and Tegan, realising the full extent of the danger now, appealed to me much more when they weren't constantly trying to talk Dawn into doing stupid, dangerous things. And Victor, in his role as the Lord of the Denver Vampires, is discovering that the position is more difficult than he previously thought, and it seems he may be harder on the humans than Dawn thought he was going to be.

Questions I'd been pondering in the last book were answered here, and the twist at the end, wasn't completely unexpected. I'm really looking forward to After Daybreak where I think things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I'm expecting a lot of action and anticipation and hopefully, lots of Victor too. With a release date for June, we don't have too long to wait. Thankfully, this hasn't been a long drawn out series.

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Anonymous said...

Interesting point of view and I agree with most of what you say.You've made some valid points and I think you're spot on.

aion accounts

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) said...

I've had the worst luck with this series! I tried reading it two times and ave up for no good reason, but I promised I'd try again after your last review and I really really will.
From what I remember, I liked Dawn a lot.
Excellent review, Suzanne.

Unknown said...

So glad all the books are releasing rather quickly. I expected the Dawn revelation but I must say I feel silly for not noticing what was going on with LA sooner! LOL

Sam (Realm of Fiction) said...

I haven't started this series yet, but your high rating here makes me want to! It is a pet peeve of mine when characters are separated in the sequel, but I'm glad to hear that part didn't result in you enjoying this any less. Brilliant review, Suzanne!

LoveOfBooks said...

I'm pretty sure I have the first book but haven't read it yet, obviously. Glad your liking the series!

Nicola said...

I can never decide if I want to start this series or not... the covers are so generic YA paranormal that I'm a little put off but I think I'll have to give it a try! I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much. I hope the next is just as good!

Great review as always Suzanne :) x

A Canadian Girl said...

I still haven't started this series but yay for a fantastic sequel :) I love the covers in this series; they're gorgeous although they do remind me a bit of Lauren Kate's series.

brandileigh2003 said...

Glad that it answered some questions but sad that Victor was missing.
I still haven't read the first but want to.
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

Jasprit said...

I'm glad you're having fun with this series Suzanne, it sounds like it has a fantastic set of characters! I'm glad you don't have to wait for the next book that long either. I hope you get lots more Victor in the next book! :)

Book Passion for Life said...

Seriously...I NEED TO START THIS SERIES!! I keep seeing these amazing reviews and I need to read it. Great review hun xx

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