By: Hodder & Stoughton
Source: Publisher for review
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
May be Spoilers for previous books
Pandemonium ended on such a cliffhanger that the wait for Requiem was almost impossible. I would have liked to have it begin right where Pandemonium left off, when Alex makes an appearance, but no, it's a few days later so we've missed the initial reactions. But the tension is heavy between Alex, Lena and Julian. Though I don't think I can blame Alex for the way he feels.
I did feel really sorry for Julian though as I'd also become really fond of him in Pandemonium. Being who he is, going into the camp full of resistant strangers was hard enough without the added conflict. And Lena, is only ally, I feel blows hot and cold towards him.
This was a love triangle that had me all over the place. Usually, I find that I have a clear persuasion towards one of the guys, but both Alex and Julian stole my affections. I admit that I didn't completely love Delirium and Alex was my favourite thing about that book. The ending shocked and upset me and I fervently hoped that he'd be making a re-appearance in Pandemonium. But I, much like Lena, didn't expect to also fall for Julian.
There wasn't many romantic moments in this book but, given the environment, on the move in search of a permanent settlement, and being constantly on alert for being attacked, I wouldn't have expected too many stolen moments. Which I was glad off, because it meant I could enjoy reading without feeling too much apprehension for the guy who wasn't on the receiving end of Lena's affections.
This book has the added POV of Hana, which I honestly wasn't overjoyed about, feeling that I'd just want to keep getting back to Lena and where the action was. But I found myself really enjoying it. It was interesting to see the war from the other side, where she's paired with the cruel and antagonistic new mayor, and also to see how much influential people can get away with. Not only the resistance, but a lot of the cured's are going to suffer more than they are already, under his plans. The cure doesn't appear to have worked properly for Hana and she's aware that her fiancée is wrong and maybe even slightly crazy.
Unfortunately, disappointing is the first word to come to mind when I try to describe the ending of this book. In fact, it doesn't feel like an ending at all. More like it just cut off in the middle. So much left unanswered. Hana, the romance, the resistance, the war......we aren't given any clarity of how things turn out in any of these, just completely open ended, something I really don't like, but I felt it was taken to the extreme here.
As the final book in the series, and I completely enjoyed reading it, hence four stars, the ending was not in the least bit satisfying. An epilogue would have been needed or maybe a novella or something to tidy things up. I definitely feel things need to be tied up in this series.
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I have heard so much about Pandemonium's ending that I have been reluctant to read it! Delirium I really enjoyed! The held very low expectations so I'm glad overall you gave it a good rating! Thanks for sharing! :)
I'm rarely (if ever) comfortable with a new POV late in a series. It makes me uncomfortable, especially when it's unexpected.
Like you, I disliked Delirium, but unlike you, I never even bothered to finish it. So I don't think I'll be going back to this series.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if the ending wasn't entirely satisfying.
great review!
It seems you liked this book more than a few people I've seen. I don't think I'm going to pick up this series after hearing how much people disliked the way it turned out. Great review Suzanne. :)
I put off this series because of the cliffhangers and now I am reading all these reviews stating their disappointment over the ending. I don't know which is worse a cruel cliffhanger or an open ending. They both can ruin a book or a series for more.
I feel the ending ruined this series for me, unfortunately :(
Hmm hmmm hm... I've wanted to read this series, and thought it would be great now that all have been released. I kind of don't know, though. Oh heck, I probably will cave eventually.
You know I felt the same way about the ending, too. I really didn't feel like much of an ending at all. I hate that so much was left unresolved, not just romance-wise, but plot-wise too. It almost makes me wonder if investing in this series was even worth it. Still, I liked this well enough overall, and I'm glad to see you liked it just a little more. Great review, Suzanne!
Aw it sucks that you felt like the ending was abrupt, especially because it's the conclusion of the series. I haven't started this series and probably won't as I've heard that the books are slow; I struggle with slow dystopians. Thanks for the review though, Suzanne.
I've heard so much about this series and I know it's being turned into a tv show. Really need to check it out. Though, I am not the biggest fan of dystopian reads.
Great review. Thanks for sharing! :)
Jennifer @ Dream Reads
I generally don't like epilogues so it's interesting that you thought this one could have used one. I still haven't read this series but I did like Oliver's Before I Fall. Have you read that one yet, Suzanne?
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