Hidden by Marianne Curley
Published: 14th March 2013
By: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Source: Publisher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
While I've been feeling quite fed up with angel books lately, when I was offered this one for review, my interest was piqued. It's a different take on angel lore. There's no God or Devil, or Heaven or hell. But a King of Angels and a Dark Prince who reside in different realms. The concept of how the Dark Prince came to be is pretty similar, with the Dark Prince creating an army and waging war against The Angel King. There's a realm where the angels reside, a realm where mortal souls go after they die and The Dark Prince's realm. But the treaty that ended the war, allows the Dark Prince to wander the earth and collect souls.
Ebony knows she's different. She's faster, stronger and has better senses than any of her friends. She's never sick and when she gets hurt, she heals really quickly. She's had an extremely sheltered upbringing, even having never left the valley where she was born. At age 16, she's really had enough of this, which causes a lot of arguments between herself and her mother. One night, after she's sneaked out to a club, events occur which cause her to confront her parents once and for all when she gets home to find them waiting for her.
I found this book to be well written with really enjoyable characters. It's written from the POV of Ebony and Jordan, and I instantly liked them both. They are both really different people, with very different upbringings but they are brought together by events that are unbelievable to both of them.
Thane and the angels were great secondary characters. While we spend very little time with some of them, I still found it easy to like and build interest in them. There isn't much romantic interlude here, but what little there is, I did enjoy. And there's an action packed battle that had my heart pounding in my chest.
In my opinion, Hidden was a fast paced page turner that I didn't want to put down.
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Thank you Suzanne. Your review is one of the best to explain my concept on angel lore. I hope you don't mind, but I have shared it on my facebook page. Unfortunately, I couldn't use the Thumbnail as the image was not of Hidden. I was likely doing something wrong!
Best wishes
Marianne Curley
I'm a bit (okay, TOO) tired of angels, but both Ebony and Jordan sound like lovely characters and I'm glad both their POVs worked. The pacing is a huge deal for me, so the fact that it works here too makes me want to pick this up sooner rather than later. I really think I'd enjoy it.
Great review, Suzanne!
This didn't really work for me, unfortunately, but then again, angel books aren't always my thing. I'm glad you liked Ebony and Jordan as well as you did! The lore here sounds pretty interesting, though I didn't get far enough to find out about it. I hope you like the sequel just as much! :) Brilliant review.
Hmm.. I'm still reluctant about angel books. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever be okay with them again. But the take on them in this book does sound interesting.
This sounds really good, Suzanne. Ebony sounds like a kick-ass heroine. Glad you were able to enjoy this angel book. I'll have to check it out. :)
I had the chance to review this book too, but I was a little wary of the angel genre at the time, but I'm glad it provided a fresh take on things for you Suzanne. And books which are unputdownable usually end up as my favourites! Great review! :)
THe characters sound good, and glad it got you out of the angels reading slump
Angel books are hit and misses but I have been wanting to read this one. Sounds like it has some unique takes on the angel mythology. Glad you enjoyed it!
Lol, I love angel books on the other hand even if they are kind of hit and miss with me. This one sounds intriguing so I'll probably check it out. Thanks, Suzanne.
This sounds like something I just might enjoy! AND I've never heard of it until today! Fab. review!
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