Published: 1st April 2013
By: Self Published
Source: Copy from the Author for review
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Shadowed, is the third and final series in the Fated series. And was I happy with it's conclusion? Well, mostly.
Shadowed begins a few weeks from when Severed ends. The portal is closed, but Lucas and Cyrus are dead. With both of these having been such awesome characters, part of me wondered where Sarah was going to go from here, how could she justify what she did, and another part of me had my suspicions of what may happen and I was hoping I was right.
Evie, is back in her hometown, lost and broken hearted, and suffering the stares and whispers of the locals, wondering what's going on with her. She looks like a junkie, having lost weight and with bags under her eyes but the locals can't decide if she's a drug addict or just upset at being dumped by Lucas. She can't tell anyone what happened, not even her mum, as she can't reveal that other world that she's part of.
She wants revenge! And hopes that with the death of Victor, she can heal a little bit of herself. So, she plans to hunt him down and kill him. But the decision is taken out of her hands, when Ash and Vero, two of the rogue hunters, show up at her home with the news that more originals came through before the portal closed and the death toll is now rising out of control in LA, with the creation of many new thirsters. They need Victor's help, so she can't kill him, yet!
Just like in Sarah's Lila series, this series has some fantastic secondary characters. The rogue hunters Ash and Vero, Lucas' sister Flic and her boyfriend Jamieson, the unhumans, and even Victor, who you will love to hate. With the law of the unhumans not revealing themselves being flouted, our hunters find themselves being hunted, and with only a few of them left, it will be to extinction. But obviously this means, we are treated to a lot of fast paced, nerve wracking action.
However, the love triangle was more apparent in this one and it wasn't one that I could easily solve. Both guys had stole my heart, and it was so hard choosing a favourite, but I did, and after some nail biting moments, things went my way in the end.
Also, the ending is left quite open, with some important details not being tied up. I definitely feel that we could have done with an epilogue for this one.
Update: I've spoken with Sarah about the ending and she has hinted that she may revisit this world in the future. I feel it's a place she really needs to go if she want's to keep Fated fans happy. But, she also tied up one of my concerns about a favourite character of mine. I'm sure most of you who've read this know who I'm talking about, and all is well with him.
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I can't read your review yet because there are spoilers for book 2, which I'm about to read, but I WILL be back once I'm done to compare notes. :)
Well, since I haven't started this series, I like knowing you enjoyed it all. I feel more comfortable getting into it.
I hope when you say that things went your way in the end that I'll feel the same way. ;) It's disappointing to hear that the love triangle is more pronounced in this book, but I'm glad you enjoyed it overall. I'll definitely keep in mind your points about the ending, too. Great review, Suzanne!
AH! I can't deal with the open endings very well, but Evie still does sound like a great main character to read about.
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
I'll have to pick this series up soon, Suzanne. Jasprit already gave me the first book. I'm sort of tired of love-triangles so I hope this one doesn't irritate me too much. :)
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