The Collector by Victoria Scott

Monday 22 April 2013.

The Collector (Dante Walker, #1)The Collector by Victoria Scott
Published: 25th March 2013
By: Entangled Teen
Source: Netgalley

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was highly anticipating meeting Dante Walker. We've been hearing about him for a while now and I thought he sounded like an awesome, swoonworthy character. I felt he might resemble Patch from the Hush Hush series, with his bad boy attitude that I would love. But this wasn't what Dante was. I found him to be rude and ignorant moreso than bad boy. He was actually more good! Almost straight away he's looking out for and trying to help Charlie. And for anything bad that he does do, he's riddled with guilt. This didn't quite fit the guy that I thought I was going to be reading about.

I didn't build up much feeling towards Charlie, the girl whose soul Dante is supposed to take, either. When they first met she came across as being very immature and childlike. It annoyed me how she never questioned Dante, just trusted him, this complete stranger who just arrived at her door one morning, in everything he said. The whole book takes place in less than ten days and yet we have the 'L' word being thrown around. This annoys me no end.

Annabelle, Charlie's unlikely, in my opinion, friend is probably the most likeable character in the book, the little we know of her. Annabelle, nor their other friend Blue, who are fairly significant, are not very well fleshed out. I couldn't say the plot thrilled me too much either. The romance, if you could call it that, was boring and stank of insta love. And I felt a lot was vague and unanswered.

One thing that really bugged me about this book was how many times Charlie's 'ugliness' came up. Complete strangers commenting on it?? Does this happen? Are people really this shallow? I understand a lot of the plot was based on how she looked, but come on. Really?

Anyway, I feel there is little else I can say about this book. As one of my most highly anticipated reads for this year, to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. Do I need to state the fact that I won't be continuing with this series?

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Unknown said...

I have seen the spectrum of reviews for this one. most people are swooning and dishing out 5s. I tend to believe the twos and threes. This is a book that the hype guilts us into reading, but to be honest, it never appealed to me. (Maybe all that hype) So I'm so glad to see a review that says don't bother :)
Still, sorry you were disappointed.

brandileigh2003 said...

Aw, I have been looking forward to Dante as well, but sorry he didn't do it for you and I am worried he will come across as arrogant instead of cool bad boy.

Anonymous said...

That's a shame, I've seen The Collector in lots of stacking the shelves posts and similar memes recently.

Jasprit said...

I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy The Collector Suzanne. Usuallt egotistical guys don't do it for me, but I had been hearing really great things about Dante, that I was convinced of giving it a try. Insta-love is a big pet peeve of mine, so it sucks that it's a part of this book too. Great review Suzanne I hope your next book is a lot more enjoyable! :)

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) said...

Ah, yes, all it took was for him to meet a sweet girl. Instantly redeemed! I don't know that I'll enjoy this, to be honest. it sounds very disappointing. I started it and then left it for later, and now I need to bribe myself to continue.
Sorry you didn't really enjoy this, Suzanne!

Book Passion for Life said...

Aw, that's a shame Suzanne but I gotta say, I never really fancied this one either. Good review though!

Sam (Realm of Fiction) said...

I enjoyed this one, though I wasn't as in love with it as most people seem to have been. For a start, the romance didn't entirely work for me. Pacing is key, in my opinion. I also thought Dante's thoughts were a little too ugly at certain points. I get that he has a role to fill, but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed if you want your character to be liked. Otherwise, I thought it was pretty entertaining, and I know that I'll probably read the next book. Sorry this didn't work for you, Suzanne!

A Canadian Girl said...

Oh no! Instalove, a childish heroine and an MC who isn't the bad boy you expected. Hmm, I've got this one for review but will probably hold off on reading it for now. Thanks, Suzanne.

LoveOfBooks said...

Haha.. aww, that sucks. I liked Dante. I didn't swoon over him, but I liked him. I wasn't too keen on the L-word being thrown in either, though.

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