Published: 2nd May 2013
By: Allison & Busby
Source: Purchased
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The last 166 pages brought this to a 4, before then, we were looking at a 3.
The Morganville Vampire series has always been one of my favourites, but Bitterblood just wasn't up to scratch. So when I started Fall of Night, for the first time ever, I was going into one of these books with little enthusiasm. And for the first 277 pages, it unfortunately lived up to my expectations.
But enter Oliver and Myrnin and this book took a turn for the better. The pace was faster, the action picked up and I didn't want to put it down. The way a Morganville book should be. It's just a pity it took so long to get to this point.
Claire has moved to Boston to attend MIT and study under Professor Irene Anderson, a previous assistant of Myrnin's, and a character I never warmed up to. But Claire thought she'd left the vampires behind in Morganville, she was wrong. And so we meet Jesse, otherwise known as Lady Grey (Does that name ring any bells with anyone from previous books? I thought it sounded familiar?). She is quite the awesome character and I really liked her.
But the vampires weren't the only thing to follow Claire to Boston. Shane does too. Even though part of the reason she felt the need to leave Morganville and distance herself from him was to distance herself from him and his trust issues and to experience some self growth out on her own. I really didn't like this stalkerish side to Shane. He gets a job and a room, finds out where she lives, and regularly passes by! No, I didn't like it! But I was even more surprised by Claire's reaction to it.
I've loved all these characters all through the series, Shane, Claire, Eve, Michael and Myrnin. And even Oliver and Amelie because without them, it just wouldn't be the same. And I know that the release of the next and final book in the series, Daylighters, will be bitter sweet. But because I didn't enjoy Bitter Blood too much, and this one was so slow to take off, I wasn't holding out much hope for it, but the ending of this one has really lifted my expectations. Now I just have to decide who I want to win, the humans or the vampires?
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I'm about halfway through the audio and I HATE the narrator, but I'm kind of liking the book. Sure, it's a bit odd, but I was getting tired of the same old anyway, and it's a nice change so far. I just can't wait for them to reunite, it's all nice and well, but all these doubts and insecurities are grating on my nerves just a bit.
Great review!
I just skimmed this review because I'm 2 books behind, Suzanne. Glad to see that in spite of some issues it ended up being a 4 instead of a 3 star rating! :)
This is a series I have been wanting to try but now that it is on book 14 I won't have time. I hope that it all wraps up well and I am glad after faltering it got back on its feet. Humans should win, of course!
Wow, I can't believe this series is up to 14 books! That's insane; how have you kept up?! I've only read book one but really enjoyed it. I doubt I'll end up reading more though just because there are so many books in this series and it'll take forever to catch up.
I'm glad your still enjoying this series. Me, I think I gave up on like book 9. Lol. It just started to drag so much! Great review though hun x
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