Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, (and filling our kindle) sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process! Hosted by Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews
Hi guys, I can't believe the summer is going so fast. Only 3 weeks till the kids go back to school. And we've still had very little sun :(, so a lot of indoor reading being done here. Click on the book title for more information.
Covet (The Clann #2) by Melissa Darnell (Netgalley)
After Dark (The 19th Year #1) by Emi Gayle (J. Taylor Pubs)
The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa (Netgalley)
The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse (Hachette Childrens)
Great haul, Suzanne! I'm eager to see what you make of After Dark. I really like the sound of that book! Covet and The Lost Prince are on my pile too and I can't wait to read them.
The summer (or semi-summer over here!) is speeding by! I can't believe it's August already. :)
Don't know these but they look good!
Nice list of books this week. The Lost Prince looks good. I cant wait to see what you think about it.
Book Sniffers Anonymous
The Lost Prince! I'm really looking forward to that one! Covet looks good too, though! Looks like you had a good week!
My haul this week
Great haul! I've been hearing a lot about The Lost Prince and The Forsaken - I hope you enjoy 'em both!
Awesome haul Suzanne, After Dark and The Forsaken sound like fantastic reads. I know the wetaher here has been ridiculous, but at least we still get to loads of reading done, but indoors! Hope you enjoy all your books! :)
I have three weeks until I go back to school too though the students don't start until after Labor Day. There is still time for lots of reading. I have The Lost Prince too. My new book posts are at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!
Nice haul of books. I really hope you enjoy all of them. Your cover of Forsaken is very different than mine. Come visit me if you can.
The Lost Prince and The Forsaken sound wonderful!!! Awesome books :-) Enjoy!
I'm interested to see what you think of The Lost Prince. I read Kagawa's Iron Fey series but didn't love it. I loved her vampire book though. The Forsaken has such a pretty cover and I though I saw a good review. Can't remember now! After Dark looks like it holds promise. Nice haul Suzanne! I can't believe the summer is almost over either. :)
After Dark sounds so interesting, I think I'll be adding this book to my TBR.
I also got After Dark this week but I totally forgot to put it on my book haul! I'm also jealous of The Lost Prince, I requested it on netgalley but I haven't heard back yet.
Happy Reading =D
enjoy all
the lost prince is awesome so far
I am sorry you aren't getting much sun! We finally got ours and hit one hundred here. I am soaking it up while I can, I get sick to my stomach thinking about winter again. You got some lovely books! I grabbed The Lost Prince, can't wait to see what Kagawa does next!
It's a bummer you aren't getting more sun. Hope you enjoy all your books! Here's My Sunday Post
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